Friday 8 August 2014

Thursday 7 August - Shakshuka

Our chickens have gone through a spell of not laying due to hot weather, lots of broodiness and some moulting, but this week seem to have got back into production again - this means a kitchen full of eggs to use up.

I've never cooked Shakshuka, and found a recipe from Yotam Ottolenghi that looked worth a try - the only real change I made was to use fresh red and green chillies for heat, instead of the suggested cayenne.

This recipe was also great to use up some of the tomatoes that we have grown in our new greenhouse.

Onions were fried with some cumin until soft

Then in went red and yellow peppers, some chopped parsley, thyme and coriander along with the chillies and some saffron.

Finally the chopped tomatoes. Once this was fairly 'saucy' in consistency the raw eggs were popped in and it was cooked gently until they were set. We sprinkled feta over the top and served with crusty bread. Not great to look at, but very tasty!

To use up some more eggs an apricot and almond sponge cake.

This was based on a recipe by Diana Henry, and the only change I made was to use almond essence rather than the vanilla essence in the sponge.

A caramel was poured into a cake tin - as I used a springform cake tin I lined it to stop the caramel leaking out - this didn't work so would use a plain cake tin next time.

Halved fresh apricots were arranged over the caramel.

Then a basic sponge made with some ground almonds was made (see below for photo of my favourite bit of kitchen equipment with new glass bowl...)

The sponge was spread over the apricots and then baked.
Once turned out it was brushed with honey, and served with cream. Delicious despite the caramel disaster, but probably would have been even better with more caramel left!

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