Sunday 23 November 2014

Saturday 22 November - Chocolate and Salted Caramel

Masterchef is on at the moment, and it always makes me want to make 'trios' of desserts. Today I decided to have a play wish some recipes I've used before separately, but try to serve them all on the one plaate.

I made some shortbread, by chucking butter, flour, vanilla paste and some icing sugar into the mixer, then chilling for an hour before rolling out and cutting and baking.

Salted caramel ice cream - I always change ice cream recipes as I find using just egg yolks in the custard seems wasteful, so I use whole eggs and whisked with some sugar, and a teaspoon of cornflour.

The rest of the sugar went into a pan dry, and was heated until it turned into a rich caramel.

Then, the milk and cream added so that the caramel dissoloved into it. I then added the milk mixture to the eggs and thickened it over a low heat. Once the custard was made it was cooled down and then churned in my trusty ice cream maker. When it was almost ready I added half a teaspoon full of Malden Salt.

The chocolate mousse was the bog standard one I was taught at school many years ago - 1 egg per ounce of chocolate, melt the chocolate, stir in the yolk, and then fold in the white - although I did add a spoon of sugar to the white when whisking to stabilise it a bit.

Finally, the salted caramel sauce - I made a dark caramel in the same way as for the ice cream, then added water and warmed until it was all dissolved. Then added some salt right at the end ( I added around half a teaspoon as I like quite a salty flavour) and left to chill. This is best poured right over the mousse when eating.

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