Tuesday 7 January 2014

Sunday 5 January - Sausage and Black Pudding Plait

We caught part of an episode of a Paul Hollywood programme where he was making this - George announced it looked nice, and as this doesn't happen often decided to make it.

I didn't however make the pastry, as no time to do this, or really any reason to make puff pastry.

There were three layers to the plait - the first one was finely chopped mushrooms - dry fried until the moisture had evaporated.

Next the sausage meat mixed with chunks of Bury Black Pudding.


and finally a layer of caramelised red onions

The pastry was rolled out and the layers were  placed in the middle.

Then came the fun part with the plaiting - not quite how we saw it done on TV but it seemed to work ok...

Once it was all plaited up, it was brushed with egg and sprinkled with sesame seeds before baking and slicing. This made enough to have for two meals so it will be used up with jacket spuds and baked beans during the week.

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