Tuesday 30 July 2013

Monday 29 July - Crispy Chicken and Puttanesca Potatoes

This meal was invented after George said he was bored with potatoes - I have to admit that we've been having them with everything as we have so many on the allotment, and it seems a shame not to eat then while they are so delicous!

The chicken was dipped first in flour, then a mixture of beaten egg and mustard, and finally some dried white breadcrumbs - these were browned in a frying pan, then finished in the oven for 20 minutes.

Now to the potatoes  - they were cut into even sizes and once cooked were cut up roughly with a sharp knife - skins and all.

Stirred through these - chopped deseeded and peeled tomato cubes, fried red onion, garlic and chopped red chilli - I added a spoonful of anchovy paste to the fried mixture while it was warm but you could add chopped tinned anchovies here, black olives and capers, and loads and loads of basil.

Once we'd tasted it we added the juice of half a lemon to brighten the flavours up

The potatoes were served warm with the crispy chicken, drizzled with some home made basil oil that was left over from Saturdays meal - and for once three completely clean plates at the end of the meal.

1 comment:

  1. What a delicious idea! Definitely one to bookmark.

