Sunday 6 May 2012

Saturay 5 May - Chicken and Brownies

Bank Holiday weekend here, and as I've been dreadful on the diet front for the last few weeks, I see no reason to eat low fat today. Planning to try and be good again as of next week.....

For Saturday night, chicken breasts stuffed with feta, sundried tomatoe and pine nuts - I bashed the breasts out, and made one big roll out of them, and wrapped this in pancetta and roasted it.
Served with some asparagus, some crushed new potatoes, and some roasted vine tomatoes

For pudding, we made some vanilla icecream using the vanilla pods I found in Lidl at Christmas and stocked up on then forgot about. Served with warm chocolate brownies - I made the batter earlier and kept in the fridge until we were ready to eat. I use an Anton Mossiman recipe, but added some chocolate chips in with the pecans, as if you are going to be a pig you might as well do it properly!

Plenty of brownies left over for the next few days too!!!

1 comment:

  1. NOT a post to read when hungry - both the stuffed chicken and the brownies look lush!

