Tuesday 10 January 2012

10th Jan

Lunch was artichoke soup from our home grown artichokes (less said about the side effects the better) served with homemade (ok, from the bread machine) bread.

Supper was from an old favourite book which has been brought out of mothballs after quite a few years.

Chicken Chana became Turkey Chana as that was lower fat/cheaper when we did the shopping at the weekend.

To serve with it yoghurt and cucumber. Our homemade yoghurt was a bit on the watery side, so we drained it through an old baby muslin in a sieve before mixing it with deseeded grated cucumber.

The curry had 1 tblsp of oil in the recipe, added half way through, but I couldn't see this added anything really so just added a drizzle I used tinned chick peas as it is midweek and can't bear the smell of cooking chick peas -  reminds me of wet dogs.

I bought this for Bob a few months ago, as if he cooks when I'm not here he can never find things in my spice cupboards, and has to go out and re-purchase things. It was supposed to be a present for him, but I've stolen it, and I imagine he has no idea what the spices in it are at all 

The finished curry, served with very wholesome brown basmati and wild rice 

Leonard liked it too........

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